Bloody Bastille Moon
I am absolutely delighted to introduce “Bloody Bastille Moon: A Duke Wulfenschlitz Mystery.” I am howling with glee.
This is not just any Duke Wulfenschlitz mystery. I don’t take missing persons cases, see, but in this story, a very compelling dame waltzes into my office and presents a very compelling reason why I should take her case. What was her argument? Read the whole story and find out.
Best part? It’s FREE. You can make a donation if you want, but the story’s free. Please read it, enjoy it, and share it with all your friends. Tell ’em Duke sent you.
This story has everything: romance and tragedy and death and mystery and thrills and unexpected twists. It’ll stick with you like the garlic beans at the China Terrace restaurant. It changed my life forever; now it’s your turn.
“Jesus. Wow.” — Sean M.
Read Bloody Bastille Moon for Free
Just use the handy links below to download in your preferred format. Kindle and audio versions coming soon!
Like what you read? Then kick over some cash. Times are tough for werewolf private investigators, and now I have a family to support. Every little bit helps refill the bottle.
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